Sexy Brain Strategies: 4 Simple Steps to a Sexy Brain Makeover academyofbrainbliss brainbliss dolphins energymedicine frequencies globalbliss greatcentralsun lyranlotus lyrans mahaliamichael mermaidia ptsdrecovery scalarenergy soundhealing whales Jul 04, 2024

4 Simple Steps to a Sexy Brain Makeover

Embark on a transformative journey to enhance your brain's power and manifest your dreams. Dive into the sacred wisdom of Brain Bliss and give yourself a Brain Bliss makeover that ignites your inner radiance.

Welcome, fellow seekers of inner radiance...

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Benefits of Deep Sleep deep sleep melatonin rapid eye movement rem sleep sleep benefits Jan 18, 2021

Deep Sleep Is Essential For Peak Mental Performance

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is a very important part of our sleeping pattern. This stage of sleep is the most important phase of sleep that we experience. Rapid eye movement sleep is the 5th stage of our sleep pattern which generally happens...

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Recovery from PTSD bliss brain brain-bliss concussion depression head injury healing light ptsd sound sound healing trauma Jan 15, 2021

Often when people experience the traumatic incident of bonking their sensitive skull and brain, either in a car accident, a sporting encounter and or witnessing a scary situation, they do not realize how deeply it can affect the healthy functioning of their brain and brain waves.

What can happen...

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The Future of Medicine light sound medicine music Jan 15, 2021

“Sound and music will be the future of medicine.”
-Edgar Cayce 1877 – 1945

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Why Brain Bliss brain brain-bliss community dolphin harmony health heaven hemispheres hormones music nature singing song sound sound healing wellness whale Jan 15, 2021

The future of our planet insists that we thrive in our higher, more optimized brain.  That is, a brain that is in bliss.

A brain that sees the truth clearly.

A brain that is free from trauma of the past.

A brain that is balanced hormonally.

A brain that is balanced in both left and right...

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Rise Above Bullying abuse brain brain-bliss bullying concussion early exposure head injury long term stress trauma Jan 15, 2021

I was a highly sensitive, quiet little girl who preferred the feelings of peace, joy and love yet I was bullied at significant times in my childhood.  I was called names, I was physically assaulted and I was threatened by aggressive gestures and dirty looks.  These experiences were...

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Embracing the Light consciousness einstein health light quantum physics sound sound healing Jan 15, 2021

“According to Ayurvedic philosophy and then later by Einstein’s study of Quantum Physics, everything in the universe is made up of two things: sound and light. Sound is the structure or container (matter) and light (life) is the essence that fills or animates it. Meridians...

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5 Tips for Brain Bliss bliss bones brain brainbliss grief health heart light longevity neuroplasticity sound sound healing trauma Jan 15, 2021

There are millions of people per year in the North America alone who experience undiagnosed trauma.  Often times, trauma whether it is emotional, physical, spiritual and or sexual that is not treated properly leads to post traumatic stress disorder which has a long list of debilitating...

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Your Golden Majesty 432 bliss brain brain bliss cell golden light love majesty parasympathetic radiance radiance sutras sound space sun Jan 15, 2021

We guide the brain and body to the most sublime state with the Brain-Bliss light sound ALLUMINA technology. Using a combination of several elements we achieve the alchemy of this sutra below. 432 hz tuning, para-sympathetic surrender, releasing of old trauma from the tissue, quark tuning which is...

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We Are Music ayahuasqua brain brain bliss brainbliss light melody music shamans sing sound soundwalkcollective Jan 15, 2021

Grab onto your icaros people!  Here is another powerful confirmation that we are music .. a message from #‎soundwalkcollective ..

“In their visions, ayahuasca shamans say they see the essences that animate living beings, the first property of which is to emit melodies.


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Sound Freedom bliss brain brainbliss health light nervous system primal sound trauma wellness Jan 15, 2021

Often times when trauma occurs, people do not know how to release the shock and pain, or they deny it and it can get stuck, for years. We also have not been given permission up until now to make sound or noise to express our suffering. This however is a normal practice with animals in nature who...

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The Law of Attraction Jan 15, 2021

I was blessed to have lunch a few years ago with Dr. Joe Dispenza and share my book with him. It was a dream I had envisioned that came true .. I applied what he teaches to manifest this experience.

“Thoughts have an electrical charge and feelings have a magnetic charge so thoughts are the...

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Freedom to Speak Clearly apraxia brain brain bliss brain damage brain healing cognitive speech Jan 15, 2021

I used to suffer from Apraxia of speech .. although I did not know that was the name of my issue at the time. It would take me about 10 minutes to get a full sentence out of my mouth. I forgot that I used to speak like this until one of my best friends in Calgary reminded me.  She was very...

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Awake - The Life of Yogananda awake bliss brain brain-bliss divine dmt happiness hearing listening love mystic mystical peace pineal gland self-actualized self-realization sensual sound truth yogananda Jan 15, 2021

Be inspired by possibility .. that it is in reach, for all beings to be awake, aware and in Bliss. We have been blessed to have self-actualized beings to lead and show us the way.

Watch the trailer to the documentary ‘AWAKE’ … the story of Paramahansa Yogananda, the mystical...

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Testimony for Brain-Bliss / Brain Bliss bliss brain brain-bliss daughter emotional stress father freedom healing health light love neck neural acoustic regenisis neuroplasticity sound spine stress therapy Jan 15, 2021

Testimony for Mahalia Michael

Nov 30, 2015

Best therapist on the planet that I know of and which I will testify to – even though I am her dad, I am still impartial.

I know what challenges she faced in her life and how she overcame them.  The good news about this is that Mahalia...

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Re-Tracing - The Healing Effect brain brain-bliss brain-bliss light sound breath healing healing effect holistic medical arts light light sound love retracing sound stimulation Jan 15, 2021

Many of my clients experience a re-tracing or healing effect once they connect with the potency of the Brain-Bliss light sound.  The light sound works to clean away any disturbance wave patterns and or shadow frequencies that prevent the brain from thriving in it’s brilliance. ...

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'Grain Brain' by Dr. Perlmutter add adhd bliss brain brain healing brain health brain-bliss cholesterol depression dr. perlmutter eggs health Jan 15, 2021

‘Grain Brain’ by Dr. Perlmutter goes to the heart of brain decline caused by gluten, sugar and carbohydrates.  This book has proven case studies and medical findings that link imbalances such as ADHD, ADD, anxiety and depression to the foods that we eat.  Dr. Perlmutter...

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The Right Amount of White biology brain brain function brain-bliss chronic stress cortisol healing health light sound parasympathetic peace ptsd sympathetic well being Jan 15, 2021

I used to live in a chronic stress, fight or flight survival mode.  When my brain was at its worst, I thought I would pass out from panic breathing and panic attacks.  While I was struggling to cope with my undiagnosed post traumatic stress disorder symptoms, I remained in a survival...

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Save Your Brain amygdala brain brain bliss chronic stress dementia depression hippocampus sleep sleep disorder stress ted ted talk Jan 15, 2021

Chronic stress can create chronic conditions in our body and brain.  We must begin to look inside of our brain and its reactions to the outer world in order to get to the roots of stress addiction.  There are ways to prevent the automatic stress response so your body and brain maintain...

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No More Hallucinations bliss brain brain-bliss brainbliss chemical concussion energy fog freedom hallucinations healing health light mahalia mahalia michael miracle remote reverend sound trauma visions Jan 15, 2021

“Mahalia Michael has produced magical miracles in her ‘Brain-Bliss’ work with me recently and a couple of years ago when I needed help overcoming a concussion!
Last week I was suffering from hallucinations due to a chemical medication imbalance and she helped align and tune my...

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A promising testimony from a guest of the 3 month Brain-Bliss Re-Boot Program. bliss boundaries brain happy healing peace rest sing singing sunshine tinnitus Jan 15, 2021

“Hi Mahalia,

Truly, I can’t tell you how much I have loved this experience and healing time with you.
For the majority of the time, I could literally feel the healing’s, and there were many, and if you recall a couple of them were intense and slightly uncomfortable, but once you...

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