Testimony for Brain-Bliss / Brain Bliss

Testimony for Mahalia Michael
Nov 30, 2015
Best therapist on the planet that I know of and which I will testify to – even though I am her dad, I am still impartial.
I know what challenges she faced in her life and how she overcame them. The good news about this is that Mahalia discovered that she had a gifted ability to heal people through therapies that she developed over a 20 year span. I was a part of the whole process and saw how she evolved to the present day. I was a prime candidate for Mahalia’s therapies over the years as I carried a lot of physical and emotional injuries most of my life from sports, business ventures, marriage breakdowns and mostly above normal issues.
Mahalia’s involvement with holistic health and studying many therapies helped her overcome many physical and emotional problems that she carried with her throughout her teens and into her 20’s and 30’s.
She kept me tuned up and functioning for years. My poor health was mostly related to my spine, neck and head from physical, mental and emotional scarring. Where did all of this lead us to as a father and daughter working together to overcome suffering?
Well, at the present time I know of no one that understands the issues of the brain-heart connection and its relation to physical and emotional health and I have been to countless professionals for medical treatment and therapy.
I was taught by Mahalia how the brain creates so much emotional stress in our bodies (eg: a build up of adrenaline/cortisol leads to physical pain) and how the brain can also repair what has been broken – we all have the power within us to heal.
Most important for me was the fact that my bones hung on to the physical and emotional stress that I created for myself with my constant thoughts of the issues from my past. My body could not heal properly if I hung on to the stories and the emotional stress and connection to those stories from my past which then vibrate into and through my bones. I had to let go in my mind in order for me to let go in my heart and bones for me to heal because the energy I needed to heal also comes from all of these areas.
What is important here is that I know of no one that has a therapy for this condition nor understands the connection in order to fix the problem other than my daughter, Mahalia. The connections are mostly based on brain-heart emotions and or physical traumas. Mahalia truly understands these conditions and her Brain-Bliss therapy treats them with great results. She uses her hands, her voice, her intuition, her vision, her light and her breath to achieve what no one else has done for me which is give me freedom from pain and suffering.
I am proud of what Mahalia has accomplished and encourage her and feel she is ready to share her knowledge and gifted talent to stop needless pain and suffering with the rest of the world.
Calvin R. Mohl