$1,111.00 USD

DISCLAIMER: I, Mahalia Michael, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I do not diagnose, heal, cure, prevent or treat disease. I assist people in correcting energetic imbalances in their bio-field that assists the body to release its innate healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body’s innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing. I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to regular allopathic medicine. My spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. I am a sound alchemist and my work is spiritually based and I believe all healing is spiritual in nature. I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my work or of the Academy of Brain-Bliss light sound energy technology sessions or products.

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Sacred Union for Sexual Health

Aloha Sacred and Unified Being of Sensuous Light and Sound,

We are super excited for you to begin your Sacred Union for Sexual Health adventure with us.

Your journey into the LadyBliss portion of ‘Sacred Union’ will help you to

better behold the sacred nature of female sexual anatomy and energy

while releasing past traumas, shame, fear and guilt so that you may ‘live’

your greatest expression of light, love and pleasure.

Your journey into the ManBliss portion of ‘Sacred Union’ will help you to

better behold the sacred nature of male sexual anatomy while releasing

past traumas, shame, fear and guilt so that you may ‘live’ your greatest

expression of light, love and deeper intimacy.

Your journey into the RelationshipBliss portion of ’Sacred Union' will be

an epic adventure into understanding the male vs female brain and how

to apply creative communication to achieve more JOY and HAPPINESS

with the creative words you choose to use and the feelings you are willing

to express.

You will receive the added benefit of the Brain Bliss Technology light

sound morning and evening recorded transmissions to optimize your innate expression and heighten your brain heart body potency.

We will ride through some gentle waves as we align to new ways of being

as we awaken the purity and innocence in our sexual creative energy,

directed by the consciousness of our heart and mind. With a study such

as this, there is an invitation for greater responsibility and willingness to

grow out of who we once were.

We applaud your willingness to GROW and CELEBRATE your inner

Musical Heaven.

Sacred Union Gateway 1 through 12 Topics

Gateway 1

LadyBliss - Womb Wisdom

ManBliss - Hara Wisdom

RelationshipBliss - Leading Primal need

Gateway 2

LadyBliss - Flower Power

ManBliss - Prostate Power

RelationshipBliss -  Gremlins in the closet

Gateway 3

LadyBliss - Water Wisdom

ManBliss - Heart Wisdom

RelationshipBliss - Secret Gateway

Gateway 4

LadyBliss - Primal Bonding

ManBliss - Primal Warrior

RelationshipBliss - Distractions from the Heart

Gateway 5

LadyBliss - Lady Voice

ManBliss - Man Voice

RelationshipBliss - Dynamic expression  

Gateway 6

LadyBliss - Feline Pheromones

ManBliss - Sire Pheromones

RelationshipBliss - Love Polarity 

Gateway 7

LadyBliss - Lady Language

ManBliss - Man Language

RelationshipBliss - Sex and Sensitivity 

Gateway 8

LadyBliss - Orgasmic Bliss

ManBliss - Orgasmic Intention

RelationshipBliss - King Kong Kitten Effect

Gateway 9

LadyBliss - Endocrine Echantment

ManBliss -  Tenderness and Testosterone

RelationshipBliss - Revving the Engine 

Gateway 10

LadyBliss - Creative Alchemy

ManBliss - Creative Power

RelationshipBliss - Beingness

Gateway 11

LadyBliss - Nourishment

ManBliss - Protection and Provision

RelationshipBliss - Turn Yourself Loose

Gateway 12

LadyBliss - Flower in Full Bloom

ManBliss - Bee in the Flower

RelationshipBliss - Authentic Divine Self - Being Unstoppable in LOVE

Oceans of Sacred Union,

Mahalia and The Bliss Family





Brain Bliss Love Notes

“Hi Mahalia, as simple as it may seem. It stunned me that men need “freedom” and women need “connection.” It changed my life. It gave me the opportunity to see men, in my life, or walking down the street, wherever, in a new and compassionate way. Their need to win and my need to connect was never understood. This insight cleared away a lifetime of misalignment for me. I realize, that what I really wanted, for example from my brothers, was to feel connected. All along I thought I wanted them to recognize me. “Hello guys, I’m standing right here.” but in fact, I wanted to feel connected; massive difference. Coming from a family of five strong driven brothers, a strong and focused father, and a loving and powerful husband, it was a bit of a struggle until now. The beauty for me is that I can celebrate their wins… I can see that they have met the challenges that life presented to them and that they were and are victorious. I always celebrated their accomplishments but it feels different to me now. It feels like freedom! For them and for me.” -Kathleen Mazzola Playwright, Santa Monica .. and … From the first Relationship-Bliss session on Wednesday morning, I began to heal some misunderstandings and oversights I had with my partner; and my five brothers. It gave me insight into the areas of pain in their lives and the areas of joy in their lives. It makes it simple to see why chaos and violence exist in the world today… And of course I see my feminine clearly now. Having it defined has given me the opportunity to see myself in a simple way.” I’m sending so much love to you and yours, -Kathleen

Kathleen ~ Playwright

Dear Mahalia, Thank you very much for the LadyBliss information you shared with us last night. I love it. I did the morning breathing and I am feeling the tingling in my body ... I am very positive that I can achieve this deep healing, because you are providing the missing tools and your valuable support. Love and many blessings


"Ladies I must share an ancient secret that will bring you results beyond your imagination … I was waiting for approval for a significant sum of money and through LadyBliss practice with Mahalia Michael I finally have received the approval when I was told it would take months. Thank you Mahalia for your love and massive generosity in all that you do."

Manisha Liza DeCarlo

Hi Mahalia, I really want to thank you for your outpouring of love and knowledge.


I had a ton of energy all day… I felt very creative. It felt like something was moving through me. Like a dance … Graceful and in the flow. With Love


Mahalia, Your Lady Bliss is brilliant!!! … I must say that I am already feeling much more alive!