Aloha Sacred and Unified Being of Sensuous Light and Sound,
We are super excited for you to begin your Sacred Union for Sexual Health adventure with us.
Your journey into the LadyBliss portion of ‘Sacred Union’ will help you to
better behold the sacred nature of female sexual anatomy and energy
while releasing past traumas, shame, fear and guilt so that you may ‘live’
your greatest expression of light, love and pleasure.
Your journey into the ManBliss portion of ‘Sacred Union’ will help you to
better behold the sacred nature of male sexual anatomy while releasing
past traumas, shame, fear and guilt so that you may ‘live’ your greatest
expression of light, love and deeper intimacy.
Your journey into the RelationshipBliss portion of ’Sacred Union' will be
an epic adventure into understanding the male vs female brain and how
to apply creative communication to achieve more JOY and HAPPINESS
with the creative words you choose to use and the feelings you are willing
to express.
You will receive the added benefit of the Brain Bliss Technology light
sound morning and evening recorded transmissions to optimize your innate expression and heighten your brain heart body potency.
We will ride through some gentle waves as we align to new ways of being
as we awaken the purity and innocence in our sexual creative energy,
directed by the consciousness of our heart and mind. With a study such
as this, there is an invitation for greater responsibility and willingness to
grow out of who we once were.
We applaud your willingness to GROW and CELEBRATE your inner
Musical Heaven.
Sacred Union Gateway 1 through 12 Topics
Gateway 1
LadyBliss - Womb Wisdom
ManBliss - Hara Wisdom
RelationshipBliss - Leading Primal need
Gateway 2
LadyBliss - Flower Power
ManBliss - Prostate Power
RelationshipBliss - Gremlins in the closet
Gateway 3
LadyBliss - Water Wisdom
ManBliss - Heart Wisdom
RelationshipBliss - Secret Gateway
Gateway 4
LadyBliss - Primal Bonding
ManBliss - Primal Warrior
RelationshipBliss - Distractions from the Heart
Gateway 5
LadyBliss - Lady Voice
ManBliss - Man Voice
RelationshipBliss - Dynamic expression
Gateway 6
LadyBliss - Feline Pheromones
ManBliss - Sire Pheromones
RelationshipBliss - Love Polarity
Gateway 7
LadyBliss - Lady Language
ManBliss - Man Language
RelationshipBliss - Sex and Sensitivity
Gateway 8
LadyBliss - Orgasmic Bliss
ManBliss - Orgasmic Intention
RelationshipBliss - King Kong Kitten Effect
Gateway 9
LadyBliss - Endocrine Echantment
ManBliss - Tenderness and Testosterone
RelationshipBliss - Revving the Engine
Gateway 10
LadyBliss - Creative Alchemy
ManBliss - Creative Power
RelationshipBliss - Beingness
Gateway 11
LadyBliss - Nourishment
ManBliss - Protection and Provision
RelationshipBliss - Turn Yourself Loose
Gateway 12
LadyBliss - Flower in Full Bloom
ManBliss - Bee in the Flower
RelationshipBliss - Authentic Divine Self - Being Unstoppable in LOVE
Oceans of Sacred Union,
Mahalia and The Bliss Family